Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Fossils Annual Christmas Party

Fossils Annual Christmas Party
December 9th 4:00 p.m. to...
Bring a side dish or dessert. Meat provided.
Gary and Cindy Page's home
1008 W. Harrison Avenue, Clarksville, Indiana

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Reminder! Monthly meeting today!

Fossils Homebrew Club meeting this afternoon, Sunday at 2:00. New Albanian Brewing Company.
Belgian beer tasting
Good times.
Guests are always welcome.

Reminder! Meeting today! November 12th

Fossils Homebrew Club meeting this afternoon, Sunday at 2:00. New Albanian Brewing Company.
Belgian beer tasting
Good times.
Guests are always welcome.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Fossils November meeting

November meeting, coming up this Sunday, November 12th at 2:00 p.m. 

New Albanian Brewing Company. 

This month's beer tasting will be Belgian beers. Yum!
Please bring money for a raffle, and bring a raffle item to add to the pile! It's always a lot of fun.

Please drink responsibly, and arrange for a driver if necessary!

The monthly meeting is usually set for the second Sunday of each month at starts at approximately 2:00pm. Doors open at 2:00 pm on the Pizzeria side of the NABC. All monthly meetings are subject to change and is usually communicated via email, the website and this facebook page.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Fossils October meeting--Away

Away meeting at 2:00 p.m.
Noble Funk is a Louisville brewery, located at 922 S 2nd St.   Louisville, KY 40203  1-502-755-BREW (2739)

Fossils October meeting--Away

Away meeting at 2:00 p.m. Sunday
Noble Funk is a Louisville brewery, located at 922 S 2nd St.   Louisville, KY 40203  1-502-755-BREW (2739)

Thursday, September 21, 2023

October meeting October 7th

Greetings fellow FOSSILS!

Per our esteemed club president, Dennis Barry , 
"The October Meeting will be at Noble Funk at 2pm on 2nd Sunday, October 8th.  Mark your calendars now, and plan to attend! 

We will have a private room, on the left as you walk in.  The speaker from Noble Funk will come in around 2:45 or so, to give us time to take care of Club business.  
We had planned a Belgian Beer tasting but that will be pushed to the November meeting."

You will be on your own to purchase beer and/or food.

For our October meeting, we will also hold elections for the coming year. All four of the current officers have been renominated and agreed to run. Deb Frazier was nominated for treasurer so we will need to vote on that.
Since this will be an "away" meeting, there will be no raffle.

Noble Funk is a Louisville brewery, located at 922 S 2nd St.   Louisville, KY 40203  1-502-755-BREW (2739) 

Come and enjoy the fun! 
Remember, those are required to be a member, and for many of you they are due now. $20 per year per person, is quite a deal! See our current treasurer, EdTash to re-up, and receive a framable membership card. Lol

Drink responsibly, and arrange for a ride home if necessary.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

September meeting today! 10th at 2:00 pm

Our September meeting will be today, September 10th, 2:00 p.m. at the New Albanian Brewing Company.
Beer tasting will be Oktoberfest beers. Bring an item to add to the raffle, and money to buy raffle tickets. It's a lot of fun and sometimes you go home with some really cool raffle items.

Officer elections are in October.
We will begin accepting nominations for president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. If you have interest in running for one of these offices, feel free to nominate yourself, by contacting one of the current officers or by posting your intentions on the fossils Facebook group page.

Please drink responsibly, and provide for a sober designated driver if necessary.
Come and have fun, and support your local homebrew Club!

Monday, August 21, 2023

Executive committee meeting

The fossils executive committee met tonight to discuss club health and plans for future meetings. Our last meeting on Sunday, August 13th had about 20 or so attendees, an awesome raffle, and a beer tasting of several wheat beers.

Our September meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday September 10th. Beer tasting will be Oktoberfest beers. Bring an item to add to the raffle, and money to buy raffle tickets.

We will begin accepting nominations for president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. If you have interest in running for one of these offices, feel free to nominate yourself, by contacting one of the current officers or by posting your intentions on the fossils Facebook group page.

We discussed the possibility of having FOSSILS coasters made to market our club a little bit, and possibly some stickers to get the word out. 
Discussed having a speaker come in October, and the possibility of a road trip to a brewery in November. Of course the fossils Christmas party will be our December meeting.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 2023 meeting

Our next meeting will be Sunday August 13th, 6 p.m. at the New Albanian Brewing Company. 

Bring money for raffle tickets and a beer related item to add to the raffle!

The designated beers for tasting and education at the meeting will be wheat beers. 

Fossils Elections will be in October and nominations will begin in September.....     Dues are due starting in August.  
At the executive meeting last Tuesday, a club 'road trip' to Holy Grale was discussed for their Thursday night 'Kolsch' night!! 

Always remember to drink responsibly.
Bring a designated driver if you think it will be necessary.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

"Christmas in July" party

Our regularly scheduled meeting is typically the second Sunday, but we are having the "Christmas in July" party a starting at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 15th at Gary and Cindy Page's house.
1008 W Harrison Ave, Clarksville, IN 47129
The club will be providing meat, but everyone should bring a side dish or a dessert or both.
There will be a raffle, so bring something to add to the raffle and some cash to buy raffle tickets.
See you there!
Remember to drink responsibly, and arrange for a designated driver if you feel like you are buzzed or impaired.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Brew in for Christmas in July

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June Executive meeting

June executive committee meeting:

Jim and Debbie Frazier, Ed and kira Tash, Gary and Cindy Page and Ed Needham participated in this meeting.

Discussed Club progress, ways to improve the club, and plans for the next few meetings.

The  July meeting will be our "Christmas in July" summer get together on Saturday July 15th, at Gary and Cindy Page's house. 4:30 p.m. till... With dinner served around 6:00. Mark your calendars now!

Meat will be provided, but you may bring a side dish or dessert or both to share. There will be a brew in this coming Sunday June 25th at 10:00 a.m. to brew for the July get together.

The August meeting will be the second Sunday at the New Albanian Brewing Company. 6:30 p.m. we will be tasting Helles style brews. September will be Oktoberfest beers, and October will be Belgian style beers.

We discussed speakers from various breweries, and outings possibly to Apocalypse, or Holy Grail.

Get on board! If not, you're really missing out on some great fun, and great beers.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Next executive committee meeting Tuesday 6/20

All executive committee meetings are open to Club membership. 

The next meeting will be Tuesday, 6/20 at the New Albanian Brewjng Co. Pub --6pm.

Sunday June 11th meeting wrap up

Meeting Sunday 6/11 wrap up by our president, Dennis Barry  .
"Discussed "where you been?". Don from Madison discussed going to Belgium.    Finances, we now have in excess of $4k!   Discussed summer get-together & exec. committee to discuss.  Discussed Kolsch night at the Grale. We got out the tshirts & hats, sold 1 hat.  Added several of the 25-yr anniv. glasses to the raffle and had a good one.  Sampled 5 different pilsners, Pacifico, Yuengling, Unquell, Czechvar & Ayinger.  Gary & Cindy brought enough food to feed 100 people, as his son Packy had a grad. party for his daughter & had excess food.  GREAT MTG!"

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Fossils June meeting

Everyone interested, mark your calendar for our June monthly meeting, Sunday, June 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the New Albanian Brewing Company. 

We will be tasting the pilsner style of beer.

Make sure you bring money for the raffle, and bring something to add to the raffle! This helps support our club and pay for the expenses for each meeting, plus it's a lot of fun!

Please drink responsibly, and arrange for a driver to get you home safely if necessary.

We have a lot of fun. Come and join us!

Monday, June 5, 2023

June FOSSILS meeting

Everyone interested, mark your calendar for our June monthly meeting, sunday, June 10th at 6:00 p.m. at the New Albanian Brewing Company. We have a lot of fun. Come and join us!
More to come later this week!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

FOSSILS May meeting

Mark your calendars now, and set the alerts so you don't forget!

We've been experimenting with meeting times, and this next meeting is no exception. We will be meeting on

SATURDAY MAY 13TH, at 2:00pm 
at the New Albanian Pub.

We will be doing a beer tasting of the Maibock style and nut brown ales.

Of course we will have a raffle, so bring an item to add to the raffle, and some cash to purchase raffle tickets so you can join in the fun, and possibly take home some cool beer related raffle items!

Remember, always drink responsibly, and plan for a designated driver if necessary!

See you Saturday!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

April Executive meeting notes

The FOSSILS executive committee met Tuesday evening to review progress, make plans for the next meeting and plans for the next few meetings.

We've been experimenting with meeting times, and this next meeting is no exception. We will be meeting on

SATURDAY MAY 13TH, at 2: 00pm 
at the New Albanian Pub.

We will be doing a beer tasting of the Maibock style and nut brown ales.

Of course we will have a raffle, so bring an item to add to the raffle, and some cash to purchase raffle tickets so you can join in the fun, and possibly take home some cool beer related raffle items!

In June, we will be sampling several different Pilsners,
July will be wheat beers
August will be the Helles style.

Plenty of reasons to mark your calendar for these meetings, so make sure you join in the fun!

After all of the meeting time experimenting, we will be taking a vote of the membership to give the executive committee and idea of when members want to meet.
Be sure and come and let your voice be heard!

Always remember, drink responsibly, and plan for a designated driver if necessary.
Your humble FOSSILS secretary.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

April meeting recap

Awesome meeting tonight. About 20 people. Awesome beer tasting of various porters, including a 
Founder's Porter, 
Anchor Porter, 
Dechutes porter-Black Butte,
Great Lakes--Edmund Fitzgerald and
Sinebrychoff Baltic porter
All were very tasty, but very different. Thanks to Dennis Barry  for selecting these fine brews, and sharing education about each one of them. It really seems to add to the meeting. 
Once again, and awesome raffle with lots of unique raffle items. Honestly, I look forward to the raffle almost more than anything else at the meeting other than the friendship and fellowship.
Our May meeting will be the second Saturday at 2: 00pm! Yes, middle of the day. Let's see how that works.
We will be tasting maibock style beers. 
If you didn't come, you missed it! Make plans for the May meeting! Guests are always welcome.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

April meeting April 11th 6:00

Don't forget! No meeting Saturday April 8th. The April meeting will be after Easter, Tuesday the 11th at 6:00 p.m. 
Let us know how this time works for you.

We will be meeting at the New Albanian Public House (pub). There will be a raffle, so bring cash for tickets, and bring a raffle item to add to the pot! The raffle is so much fun.

Our president, Dennis Barry  will be leading a beer tasting of Porter style beers.

We welcome your input on the meetings, and suggestions for future meetings. Come and let's have a good time. 

Drink responsibly, and plan for a designated driver if necessary. 


Saturday, March 25, 2023

FOSSILS executive committee meeting March 20th

The FOSSILS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE met March 20th to plan the next meeting and discuss future club plans.

All fossils members are welcome to attend these meetings and provide input.

Normal meeting time is on Sunday evenings, but the second Sunday of April is Easter so we will be meeting on the Tuesday after Easter April 11th,  6:00 p.m. in the New Albanian Public House. During this time of change, please check the Facebook group, the website, and your emails for current information.
Saturdays have been somewhat problematic meeting at the New Albanian, so we are experimenting with other meeting sites, times and days to see which might work the best.

This month, we will have a beer tasting of Porter style beers. 
Next month we will have a beer tasting of either Maibock or Belgian style beers. 

Discussed options for having our annual summer party.  Suggestions for a location are welcomed from anyone! Need to get moving on this quickly to have plans in place.

Need to start planning a few Brew in's this year, for the summer picnic and December Christmas party.

Discussed possibilities for off-site special outings through the week or on Saturdays. Visits to breweries and pubs, festivals.
Your humble secretary, Ed N

Friday, March 10, 2023

SUNDAY fossils meeting

Don't forget, monthly FOSSILS meeting this Sunday, not Saturday, at 6:00 p.m. There will be a raffle, so bring something interesting to add to the raffle, and bring some cash so that you can enter the raffle!

There will be a tasting, where each member gets several samples of world class barleywine beers. Dennis Barry is in charge of this and will bring the beers for sampling.

The new Albanian will be closed on Sunday night so no food will be available, but you are welcome to bring your own if you wish.

Spread the word, and invite guests. Make sure your dues are paid for the year, and let's have some fun!

Please drink responsibly, and make sure you have a designated driver if you are not safe to drive.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

March meeting, Sunday March 12th at 6pm

Welllll, I talked with Jeff last evening, and discussed issues concerning our next meeting date, and told him we could remain as is, move it to Tuesday, or move to Sunday. I totally left it up to him, as we're 'using' their place to meet.  He thinks Sunday is best, for now.  When football starts up again, we'll re-visit it, if their help is still an issue...  Soooo, our next meeting will be on SUNDAY March 12, at SIX PM (since some people are still working).  And for those who like to eat at the mtg, he said that it's fine to bring your own food from wherever.  And this is time change day as well.  
 Tx, your President,

Thursday, February 23, 2023

February executive committee meeting

The FOSSILS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE met Tuesday evening at the New Albanian Public House. Officers were all present.

Discussed monthly meeting location, due to difficulties holding a meeting at the current time and location. One of the difficulties is we meet once a month on a Saturday evening and reserving the entire Pub sometimes creates conflict. NABC has begun to have concerns with reserving the entire Pub for FOSSILS, due to having to exclude other customers. Our meetings have been large enough to fill the entire Pub area, so having other customers in our meeting sometimes creates noisy and chaotic meetings. Until this is resolved, it would be nearly impossible to invite guest speakers.
We are looking into the possibility of Sunday evenings again, or possibly meeting at other, more appropriate venues. Dennis Barry and Gary Page plan on meeting with NABC owners to see if a more workable solution can be found.

Executives seem to be happy with the frequent beer tastings and education, so those will continue.

Discussed having extracurricular activities occasionally throughout the week at local breweries.

Our March meeting will be March 11th at 7:00 p.m. at the New Albanian Public House.

All members are welcome at executive meetings if you want to chime in on any of these issues. 

Always! Drink responsibly, and that means  bringing someone with you who can drive you home safely.
Spread the word! FOSSILS is back.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

February meeting 2023

What a great February meeting! We had about 24 people, had a Bock tasting of four different beers, and a wonderful raffle with lots of great raffle items. Thanks to all the members who made it such a wonderful meeting. Let's do it again next month, okay?
Next month meeting, Saturday, March 11th at the New Albanian Brewing Company.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Monthly FOSSILS meeting this Saturday, February 11

Don't forget! Our meeting of the FOSSILS Homebrew Club, Saturday evening, February 11 at 7pm at the New Albanian Brewing Company, Public House side.

We are going to have a tasting of German Bock style beers. I love those. So good.

We will also have our monthly raffle, so bring something beer related to put in the raffle, and bring some cash to buy raffle tickets. The raffle is so much fun, and it earns money for the club and helps pay for the pitchers of beer that we serve at the meetings.

Guests are always welcome. Dues are $20 a year, and are due now for those who will be renewing their memberships.

You can always find this page at fossilsbrew.org

Please drink responsibly, and have a designated sober driver. See you there!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

FOSSILS February 11 monthly meeting

Hear ye hear ye!
The February monthly meeting of the FOSSILS Homebrew Club will be Saturday, February 11th at the regular meeting place, New Albanian Brewing Company- Public House starting at 7pm. 

We will socialize until about 7:30, and then have a brief business meeting, reviewing the lifeblood of the club.

The activity for this month will be a beer tasting, comparing several barley wine beers, with education about them. 

The club raffle will follow, so plan to join in the fun and bring a beer or brewing related raffle item, as well as some cash to buy raffle tickets. The raffle helps support the club and pay for club activities.

Guests are always welcome and there is no charge to attend. If you choose to continue coming, yearly dues are $20.

Put the date on your calendar now, and set a notification to give you some advance reminder! Bring a guest. Tell a friend. Most of all, be sure and attend!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Executive committee meeting

Six members met tonight. . Discussed continuing the beer tastings and the trivia. It was suggested that we do more outings to other brewerys and other interesting beer establishments on off nights. Open for suggestions from members. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

January 14th meeting--Awesome!

We had a wonderful meeting yesterday, Saturday January 14th. There were 23 in attendance. All the executive officers were present. We began the meeting with reports from the treasurer, the secretary, and comments from the president. 

The secretary, me, discussed some of the activities of the past week, linking the internet domain name to the blog/web page. 

Give it a try and see what you think. Tell your friends. Share the link.

There are so many beer aficionados and home brewers in the area that don't know about the FOSSILS club. 
Let's get the word out! 

If you are not receiving emails from the FOSSILS club, contact me via messenger, and I will update the list with your email address. I found a bunch the other day that still had insightbb emails, and they were bouncing with each mailing. Just let me know. 

Dennis Barry, our esteemed the president discussed plans for the future, the itinerary for the meeting which included a trivia contest put together by Ed and Kira Tash, and a beer tasting with education about the Old Ale style of beers. We sampled about 10 beers and learned quite a bit about each one of them. Much thanks to Dennis Barry and Ed Tash for pulling this together.

The raffle, as always, was lots of fun with a number of really nice raffle items. It's worth coming to the meeting just for the raffle, but there is so much more.

Be sure and make the February meeting! It will be as usual, the second Saturday of the month. 7pm at the New Albanian Brewing Company Pub!
See you there!
Your faithful secretary,
Ed Needham 

Friday, January 13, 2023

FOSSILS January 14 2023 Monthly Meeting

 Don't forget! Our meeting of the FOSSILS Homebrew Club, Saturday evening at 7pm at the New Albanian Brewing Company, Public House side.

We are going to have a tasting of the Old Ale style of beers. I love those. So good.

We will also have a raffle, so bring something beer related to put in the raffle, and bring some cash to buy raffle tickets. The raffle is so much fun, and it earns money for the club and helps pay for the pitchers of beer that we serve at the meetings.

Guests are always welcome. Dues are $20 a year, and are due now for those who will be renewing their memberships.

Please drink responsibly, and have a designated sober driver. See you there!