The fossils executive committee met tonight to discuss club health and plans for future meetings. Our last meeting on Sunday, August 13th had about 20 or so attendees, an awesome raffle, and a beer tasting of several wheat beers.
Our September meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday September 10th. Beer tasting will be Oktoberfest beers. Bring an item to add to the raffle, and money to buy raffle tickets.
We will begin accepting nominations for president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. If you have interest in running for one of these offices, feel free to nominate yourself, by contacting one of the current officers or by posting your intentions on the fossils Facebook group page.
We discussed the possibility of having FOSSILS coasters made to market our club a little bit, and possibly some stickers to get the word out.
Discussed having a speaker come in October, and the possibility of a road trip to a brewery in November. Of course the fossils Christmas party will be our December meeting.
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