Saturday, November 19, 2016

Fossils Christmas Party Reminder!

Seasons Greetings!

Please join us on our facebook event page for the latest in our Christmas Party planning. Set date for December 3rd.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

November Meeting Reminder

Greetings and Salutations Malt lovers!

The Porter Competition will be held as part as the November 13th meeting! Darker the better! Join the Dark Side... you get he point, puns galore!

Hit up the facebook event page.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October Officers Meeting Recap

The following was discussed at this months Fossils Executive Meeting.

-Lagers member Laura Augustine dropped in and offered us an opportunity to use a property she owns on state street. An effort to get feedback on the property and potential uses. This could be tentatively as an extra event or possibly used as a future meeting this coming winter.

-Sun King Rep will be attending the November meeting and Porter Competition.

-Fossils/Lagers joint Brew-In planning at Akashka for Autism Awareness and proceeds to charity. (Possibly in April).

-Dec 3 X-Mas party. Brew Beer, bring beer. Club will provide Turkey/Ham. Pitch in for everything else.

-Club Insurance.

-Brew Competition Awards will be distributed as $20 - $15 - $10 gift card to NABC.

-January 8th meeting will be Funky & Pungent Food Competition. Award distribution same as brew competition. Weird recipes that taste great!

-February 12th meeting could potentially be an away meeting. Details still working.

-President Choice Competition - Belgian Double (tentatively)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

October Meeting Reminder

Greetings and Salutations Hopheads,


visit the Facebook event page for the latest info.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September Meeting Recap

This was our annual meeting for nominations for the officers.

The following were nominated at the meeting.

Secretary - Joe Merideth
Treasurer - Ed Tash
VP - Richard Rush
Prez - Matt Waters - Robert McDonald

If you have a desire to nominate or run for a position, you can contact your friendly neighborhood President before the october meeting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Vote Early, Vote Often"ish"

This Sunday's meeting will be the election nominations. Make sure you attend and nominate who you think is best fit for the club officer positions.

This weeks meeting on Sunday the 11th at 6pm at NABC on grantline.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

September Meeting Reminder

Greetings and Salutations Hopheads,

The Nominee's for the Officer positions are held at this meeting. To be on the ballot and all that liberal and conservative stuff, then you need to be at this meeting. Then the October meeting shall be Democracy in action with the actual voting process.

Please visit our Facebook event page for more information.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August Officers Meeting Recap

The following was discussed as this months officer's meeting.

-Summer Party Clean Up at Ed's House still needs some finishing touches.

-Please bring a side dish for the summer party.

-There will be a raffle at the summer party, please bring beer related items.

-There will be some root beer for any younglings, but feel free to bring non-alcoholic drinks for our under age crowd.

-Beer. Bring it. Summer Party!

-Pinewood Derby Prep in anticipation for Akasha's Pinewood derby. Anyone who wants to help Ed Tash financially it would be much obliged. Leading contributor gets naming rights "within reason."

-Brain storming for Fossils sponsored pinewood derby.

-Sept 23 Louisville Beer Fest. Looking to get Fossil members in as volunteers to spread the good word of beer.

-Next officer meeting scheduled for September 21 at richos. 6pm.

-Dec 3rs Xmas party 6pm. Reminder.

-Oct 1st Brew-in TBD.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

August Meeting Reminder

Greetings and Salutations Hopheads,

This is a reminder that the August meeting is set for the 14th 27th and will also be the Summer Party. Visit our facebook event page for more info.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Brew-In Recap

Greetings Fossils,

We had so many people trying to brew beer a couple weekends ago (I typed this up at forgot to hit publish, lol whoops) we had to send them away and only let two people actually brew. Matt brought some supplies and Mike was hanging out observing. I myself (Joe) was making a test batch of a Pecan Porter and Robert made a Gumball Head IPA clone. A quick tour of NABC's brewhouse, several nice conversations, a few good beers, and some wort cooking made it a pleasurable but unbearably hot brew day. The only thing hotter than my boiling wort was the back of my neck.

Expect more Brew-In events in the future, if anyone has interest in hosting an event such as this please feel free to contact your friendly neighborhood president.

Our Brew Operation.

Matt trying to stay cool and Robert just being cool.

A little humor to keep us from going mad in the heat.

El Presidente

Sunday, June 26, 2016

July Meeting Reminder

Greetings and Salutations Hopheads,

This is just a reminder that the next monthly meeting is set for July 10th and NABC on Grant Line. Please visit our facebook event page for up to date information.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Brew-In Head Count

The Brew-In is next Sunday at Noon at the NABC Bank Street location, please try and contact me at my email or join the Facebook event page and set your status to going.

As of this post we have 5 members confirmed going via the Facebook page and it would be nice to have a close to accurate head count prior to the day of.

Friday, June 17, 2016

June Brew-In

Brew with us!

Fossil Members, we'll be having a brew-in which actually is more like a brew-out than in. But I digress back to my original point. BREW WITH US.

Here are the quick facts,

Where: NABC on Bank St
When: June 26th at high Noon!
What: Bring your heat elements and brew kettles as well as any ingredients you may need.
Water will be provided and NABC on Bank St will be open for business if the hungers hit you.

Click Here for the facebook event page!

I hops to see you there!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Recipe - Left Hand Milk Stout Clone

Submitted by: Robert McDonald

Ingredients for 5 Gallons

Wort ( Mash for 90 min at about 151 F )

  • Pale Malt ( 7 lbs )
  • Roasted Barley ( 1 lbs ) 
  • Munich Malt ( 0.75 lbs ) 
  • Chocolate Malt ( 0.75 lbs ) 
  • Flaked Barely ( 0.5 lbs ) 
  • Flaked Oats ( 0.5 lbs )
Bitters ( Boil for 90 min )
  • Magnum Pellet Hops ( 0.3 oz ) 60 min
  • Goldings Pellet Hops ( 1 oz ) 10 min
  • Add Lactose 15 min rem
  • California Ale Yeast
  • Ferment at 70 F
  • Then condition at 60 F in secondary fermentor

Monday, June 13, 2016

June Meeting Recap!

Greetings and Salutations Fermentors,

As many of you hop-heads know that visited the meeting that there was a planned brew-in and beer tasting that Richard Rush had offered to host, he reluctantly can no longer host on the anticipated date for June 26th. Join the facebook discussion here if you would like to host the event or recommend date changes.

There was some brief discussions about changes to our club beer competitions, the Kentucky State Fair brewing competition is also approaching if you have any entries now is the time to submit them here. The rest of the meeting involved our staple traditions of enjoying libations, socializing, and the raffle to help support our "free beer" habits.

Also let me take a moment to introduce myself for those who don't know me, I'm Joseph Merideth and will be managing the website moving forward. Please share any ideals that you would like to see come to life on the interwebs. Currently I've been working on just updating the layout and getting out-dated information removed and similar information collected together. The next goal is to create a recipe page for All Grain and Extract brewing. Please feel free to email me recipes that you would like to share into the un-official Fossils cookbook.

Stay Hoppy,