Sunday, October 17, 2010

Presidential Address

Hello all...This will be my first "State of the Union" email. I am going to try to send one of these out on a monthly basis. First off, I would like to thank all of the current members for electing me to this prestigious office for the upcoming 2010-2011 year. I am confident that we can continue providing exemplary information and "good times" in regards to home brewing and beer appreciation. I am very excited about the upcoming months and look forward to seeing, smelling, and of course tasting the various batches and commercial examples of the styles and interpretations of those styles from our members. I would also like to extend an invitation to all members to come up with ideas for our upcoming meetings to broaden our horizons.

Also I encourage all members that if they notice a problem or issue, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any board members so that we can rectify the situation and find solution post haste. I also ask that members volunteer for our various events, competitions, and parties in whatever capacity they can. There are numerous ways that you could lend a hand, from being a participant on a committee to just picking up the jockey boxes or paper supplies. This would greatly alleviate the workload on the members that perform these tasks on a regular basis.

      I have some goals that I would like to attain this year as well. Our membership has not seen too many new members over the past year. Does anyone have any ideas on how to increase those numbers and recruit/welcome new members? How about finding ways to bring back members that haven't attended in some time? I feel that while we may lose some individuals to the new Sunday time slot we may be able to gain some for the same reasons. To coin a popular phrase, "Membership has its privileges."

      Another suggestion would be to become involved in the community. We have addressed this briefly in the past but have not acted upon it. Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity was the topic in question. What would be the general consensus to something a long these lines? I think this would be a great idea by giving back to the community.

    Sorry to be so long winded but I wanted to introduce myself to all as well as to say thank you and to give a brief overview of what I would like to see accomplished as well as give the direction that I wish to see the club venture forth. Prost to You and Yours and I wish to have a happy and fun year.

Your Gracious President,

 Jason Tredo

Contact Information

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