Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Happy New Year!  Welcome back to the world of Saturday Meetings!

Howdy Howdy everyone.  I haven't posted a newsletter for December, and I'd like to get some information out today.

First things first, the Calendar

January Meeting (Jan. 12, 2013)
     Saturday @NABC (Back of Prost)
          Do not bring homebrew to this meeting (see my notes below)
          Pungent & Funky Competition!!!!
                 Briing your most awesome funky and pungent recipe.  It will be a judged event.  Ed Needham is running the event this year.

January Exec Meeting (Jan. 24, 2013)
     At NABC at 7:30pm.  Bring your enthusiasm and your notepad!  Drink a pint, have fun.

February Meeting (Feb. 9th, 2013)
    Chocolate & Beer Event, More details at the January Meeting!

March Meeting (Mar. 9th, 2013), April Meeting (Apr. 13, 2013)
     Theme is TBD, 

May Meeting (May 11, 2013)
     This meeting will be the President's Choice judging.  The Beer Style this year is Imperial Stout!!!!  I've got mine maturing, do you have your's????

The Christmas Party was a lot of hard work and our thanks go out to everyone involved in making it a rousing success!  The party however, unearthed a new issue for the club.

  As you may have heard, Hidden Creek has some issues in allowing FOSSILS to bring in homebrew.  Being a homebrew club, this was a big issue.  I am paraphrasing here, so some of the details will be glossed over.   Hidden Creek had called the Seymour ATC office for understanding on what they were allowed to do and were advised that they could not allow us to bring in brew. Roger Baylor stepped in to help investigate the issue and similarly advised that the Local ATC interpretation of the Homebrew Statute does not allow for homebrew to be brought into a licensed ATC space (read: NABC and other places licensed to sell beer).
This flies directly against the original interpretation and the reason the statute was written and passed.  Roger and others continue to investigate the issue, but as it stands, we cannot bring in homebrew to NABC without jeopardizing their license.

That is about all for now.  I hope to see everyone on the 12th!

Joe Bray
Minister of DisInformation

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