FOSSILS Christmas Party!
Saturday, December 8th starting at 4:30 P.M
1008 West Harrison Avenue, Clarksville, Indiana
Thanks to Gary and Cindy for hosting the event again this year.
There will be signs for parking. Carpooling is encouraged.
Things to bring:
Chairs if you want to sit
RAFFLE ITEMS- this is traditionally the best raffle of the year.
MONEY FOR THE RAFFLE ( this is what pays for the party.)
Drinking vessel, the club will have some plastic cups.
Food, appetizer, side dish or dessert. Club will provide the meat.
For those who find guidelines helpful, here's the Traditional "what dish do I bring" for FOSSILS events.
Name begins with:
A-E - Appetizers
F-K - Vegetables
L-Q - Salad
R-Z - Dessert
A-E - Appetizers
F-K - Vegetables
L-Q - Salad
R-Z - Dessert
This is a fun low-stress event, so if you have a favorite go-to dish bring it! If you have Facebook, please post what you plan to bring, so we don't end up with too much of any one good thing.
This is the party of the year and you won't want to miss it.
As always please drink responsibly.
Merry FOSSILS Christmas and Happy Holidays!