Saturday, September 30, 2017

More info on the October meeting cider tasting.

It cider tasting time! Join us for our election and Bob Capshew's guided cider tasting. He has 3 ciders from Indiana's newest cidery, The Friendly Beast, in Bloomington. He will also bring some of his vintage Cysers. Admit it, you really can't wait for this meeting!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

October Meeting.

Our next meeting is Sunday October  8th,  at 6:00 PM at the New Albanian on Grantline Rd.
This meeting is the officer elections.
The current nominations are:
President: Tom Henderson
VP: Debbie Frazier
Treasurer: Ed Tash

Secretary: Richard Rush

Nominations are still open. 
Also at this meeting we will be doing a cider tasting, guided by Bob Capshew.

Visitors are always welcome to come to a meeting.

