Tuesday, April 1, 2008

2008 Annual Womens Brew-in (April 5-6)

Hello Ladies,

Guess what time of the year it is...that's right! It's time for the annual All Girl Brew-In and Slumber Party but without the Brewing.

This is the last year Eileen Dudley will be hosting the GBI at her home. She and Mike will moving to New Albany very soon and our 'clubhouse' for this one time a year event will be no more. We've been fortunate enough, for oh so many years now ( a little help, how many???), to have this unique event that brought together woman for laughter, beer, brewing, food, fun and an old fashion spend the night together (hats off to Jane K. who was kind and brave enough to play host at her home that one year when Eileen couldn't).

Since we're not going to have a full on brew day then there is really no need to haul our cookies out of bed quite so early. The official start time will be 3 pm.

In the spirit of our ongoing camaraderie and sharing we will be making Stone(d) Soup for dinner. Taking our cue from the popular children's book we are asking that everyone bring something to throw in the "pot" such as any vegetable (or bean, but please make sure if you bring dried beans they have already been soaked). Those of you who grow fresh herbs are asked to bring that along as well.
Sarah Ring and myself will be preparing two different stocks, one beef and one chicken. We'll add the stone at the party. The rest of you woman are responsible for the yummies. Since we don't want to dirty up Miss Eileen's kitchen we will be preparing our meal outside on a couple of Cajun cookers.
Please bring along some appetizer type foods for afternoon snacking (and into the night) as long as it doesn't necessitate using the oven or anything else that will mess up the house. They're trying to pack up and move remember. We should have fridge space in the garage. Club exec's will need to make sure we have paper/plastic silverware, plates, bowls and cups. Everyone should bring their own glass to drink beer.

So that we can technically call it a club function we will still be holding a raffle to raise moneys for the clubs, or at least cover our expenses for beer, so bring stuff that woman like and plenty of money for tickets. I'm sure we'll get a keg or two (or three) of beer to drink, but as always too much is never enough. Bring along some beer to share and maybe some vodka for the morning.

Our craft project this year will involve making mosaics so if you have any broken dishes or just ones you wish were, bring those along and we'll turn something ugly into someything pretty. Eileen says that people can mosaic on picture frames, trays, tiles - anything flat which you should bring along with you. She says we could even make stepping stones, but we will need to know in advance because it requires other stuff (like an old 8 x 8 baking pan that will not be cooked in again).

At our first brew-in we didn't have an official Raoul. Mike just sort of stepped up to the plate by bringing us beer and lighting our smokes while we were outside in the hot tub. Remember when the hot tub was outside? Thus began the tradition of asking one man to join us for the express purpose of serving us. We won't be employing a man this year, but maybe if Mike isn't out of town he will make a special appearance for old times sake.

The same rules apply as in years gone by as far as being safe. Plan on spending the night if you've been drinking. Period. It's just better for everyone that way. In the morning we'll have a breakfast casserole and coffee and BLOODY MARY'S, I'm sure.

This may or may not be my final letter on this year's party depending on updates or new information available. For all practical purposes, consider this your final warning...I mean letter.

The date is Saturday- Sunday, April 5th-6th and I hope to see all you beautiful, wonderful, funny and smart (ass) bitches there! See below for a check list you can print out and directions.
Love Always,

Anyone who has a picture(s) of us that you think really epitomizes the GBI please get me a copy of them within the next few weeks.


----beer glass
----sleeping bag and pillow
----hot tub suit
----camera (this year...all bets are off)
----raffle items
----stuff to do our hair (it is a slumber party)
----broken glass for craft project
----sleep clothes
----personal items such as toothbrush, contact solutions, all over body lotion


Eileen's phone number: 812-923-3848 My cell phone: 502-821-GIRL

Take I-64 west to the Greenville/Paoli exit (Hwy 150)

Head West on 150 past Highlander Point and Mt. St. Francis, the road will change to one lane.

You will enter Galena. You will come to a blinking light and a closed down Sav-A-Step on your left, maybe. I have no idea if it's even still there! The first right after the blinking light is FIRST CROSS STREET- there is a sign for the church at the corner.

Turn right onto First Cross St. The road appears to end but really becomes the Dudley’s gravel driveway.

(This is for the 2 of you that do this every year: When you realize that you are almost to Mor or Christine's, get back on 64 and head east one exit.) Do you still do that after all these years?!?